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Basic Adjectives (e.g., big, small, happy)

opposite words

Adjectives are an essential part of our vocabulary, as they allow us to describe and modify nouns, giving more information about their attributes. Basic adjectives are simple words that help us express the size, color, shape, or feelings associated with an object or a person. In this article, we will explore some common examples of basic adjectives and how they can be used in sentences.

Size Adjectives

Size adjectives describe the physical dimensions of an object or person. They help us understand the magnitude or scale of something. Here are some examples:

Adjective Meaning Example
Big Larger in size The elephant is big.
Small Not large in size The kitten is small.
Tall Greater in height He is a tall basketball player.
Short Not tall in height The child is short.

Color Adjectives

Color adjectives help us describe the hue or shade of an object or person. They add more detail to our descriptions. Here are a few examples:

Adjective Meaning Example
Red The color of blood or fire She has red hair.
Blue The color of the sky or ocean The pen is blue.
Green The color of plants or grass The leaves are green.
Yellow The color of the sun or a banana The dress is yellow.

Shape Adjectives

Shape adjectives help us describe the form or outline of an object. They enable us to visualize the appearance of something. Here are a few examples:

Adjective Meaning Example
Round Circular in shape The moon is round.
Square Having four equal sides and angles The table is square.
Triangular Having three sides and angles The road sign is triangular.
Rectangular Having four right angles The book is rectangular.

Feeling Adjectives

Feeling adjectives describe the emotional state or sentiment associated with a person or situation. They help us express our emotions or perceptions. Here are a few examples:

Adjective Meaning Example
Happy Feeling joy or contentment I am happy to see you.
Sad Feeling unhappiness or sorrow She looks sad today.
Angry Feeling strong displeasure or rage He is angry about the situation.
Excited Feeling enthusiasm or eagerness We are excited to go on vacation.

Adjectives play a crucial role in our ability to communicate effectively. By incorporating basic adjectives into our language, we can provide clearer descriptions and convey our thoughts and emotions more precisely. Whether we are describing the size, color, shape, or feelings associated with something, adjectives enhance our communication skills and allow us to express ourselves more vividly.


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