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Simple Present Questions (e.g., Do you like ice cream?)

Ice Cream

The Simple Present tense is used to express actions or situations that are happening now, regularly, or generally. In English, it is formed by using the base form of the verb, also known as the infinitive, without any additional endings or changes. Questions in the Simple Present tense are formed by using auxiliary verbs, such as “do” or “does,” followed by the subject and the base form of the verb. For example, “Do you like ice cream?”

Let’s take a closer look at how to form Simple Present questions:

| Subject | Auxiliary Verb | Base Verb |
| I | do | like |
| You | do | like |
| We | do | like |
| They | do | like |
| He | does | like |
| She | does | like |
| It | does | like |

As seen in the table above, the auxiliary verb “do” is used for subjects like “I,” “you,” “we,” and “they.” However, when the subject is “he,” “she,” or “it,” the auxiliary verb changes to “does.” The base form of the verb remains the same regardless of the subject.

To ask a question in the Simple Present tense, we simply switch the subject and the auxiliary verb. Here are some examples:

1. Do you like ice cream?
2. Does he play basketball?
3. Do they live in the city?

In the first example, we use the subject “you” with the auxiliary verb “do” and the base verb “like” to form the question. Similarly, in the second and third examples, we use the respective subjects with their corresponding auxiliary verbs and base verbs.

It’s important to note that when forming questions in the Simple Present tense, the auxiliary verb “do” or “does” carries the tense, while the base verb remains in its base form.

Simple Present questions are commonly used in everyday conversations to gather information, express preferences, and discuss habits or routines. By understanding how to form these questions, you can effectively communicate in English and engage in meaningful conversations.

So, the next time you want to ask someone if they like ice cream, remember to use the Simple Present question: “Do you like ice cream?” Enjoy your language learning journey and your favorite frozen treat!


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